Use of Brackets

Natural Numbers II - Concepts
Class - 6th DAV Subjects
Concept Explanation

Use of Brackets

Brackets are symbols, such as parentheses, that are most often used to create groups or clarify the order that operations are to be done in an algebraic expression. Some bracket symbols, however, have multiple special uses in mathematics.

Mathematical brackets used for grouping. These brackets can include:

  • ( )
  • [ ]
  • { }
  • When used for grouping, brackets always come in pairs. There will be an opening bracket and a closing bracket.

    Brackets are used to provide clarity in the order of operations, the order in which several operations should be done in a mathematical expression.

    For example, suppose you have the following expression:

    2 + 4 X  6 - 1. there is only one correct answer to that expression. You perform multiplications and divisions, moving from left to right, before you perform additions and subtractions, also moving from left to right. Performing the multiplication first, you get

    2 + 24 - 1 = 25.

    What if, instead, you wanted to do the addition and subtraction first (and then multiply the results)?

    We will use brackets. Now the problem becomes:

    (2 + 4) X (6 - 1) = 6 X 5 = 30.

    In this example, the parentheses tell us to perform certain operations first that is different than the usual order of operations. Other times, they are simply used for visual clarity.

    Illustration: Product of 25 , 3 and 9  is added with the product of 6 and 56 then subtracted with 575. Find the correct for the arrangement of given statement using brackets ?

    Solution: We will analyse the statement given in the question

    First it is given to find the product of 25,3 and 9. this can be expressed as

    25 X 3 X 9

    We have to add the product of 6 and 56. So the expression becomes

    (25 X 3 X 9) + ( 6 X 56)

    575 is to subtracted from the result so the expression becomes

      [ (25 X 3 X 9) + ( 6 X 56) ] - 575

    Hence the expression  representing the statement is   [ (25 X 3 X 9) + ( 6 X 56) ] - 575

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Product of 12 and 2 is subtracted from the product of 21 and 5. Find the correct arrangement of given statement using brackets.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Simplify :    {( 56 + 70 + 250 ) - 240} + 540

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Simplify :  ( 56 + 70 ) - 120

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
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